Friday, 26 October 2012

Derpy Hooves censoreship

I know this is kinda late, but I simply could NOT just let it pass me without having some words into it, even if it was solved or not.

In January 21st 2012, Season 2 Episode 14 "The Last Roundup" A particular background pony originally know as "Derpy Hooves" was introduced into this episode with a couple of lines, not much.

The name Derpy Hooves originated on the Internet when a group of fans known as "Bronies", Spotted a Blonde maned pony with grey coat which was wall-eyed due to an animation error. Fans quickly posted about this onto the Internet, and named the pony Derpy Hooves, Studio B and Hasbro gave a nod of acknowledgement of this character by giving the pony a role in an Episode, this shocked many fans as TV producers hardly interact with fans.

Sadly and unfortunately "Soccer Moms" responded in such a negative way, saying that Derpy Hooves was offensive and intended to insult the mentally challenged and demanded correction of the eyes, and change of voice or just remove the pony from the franchise which was so popular, as a result to this Hasbro told Studio B to "correct" Derpy Hooves.

Hasbro has received 70 complaints about Derpy Hooves however a petition was made online by Bronies and other fans of all ages have signed and up to 25,000 signatures have been signed to keep Derpy Hooves the same however all the 25,000 signatures were ignored and Hasbro made Derpy Hooves into "Ditzy Doo." This cause a massive uproar in the Internet, fans of all kind, Armed Forces Personnels, Music Artists, regular fans, artists, animators and voice actors to explain that the name "Derpy" and "Derp" isn't an insult towards anyone who is Mentally Challenge.

My Rant
Derpy Hooves is NOT intended to offend anyone, it is the only first connection fans had with producers of a TV Show which many liked, by censoring Derpy Hooves is simply destroying creations of thousands. If anyone was to remove Derpy for being Stereotyping mentally challenge, than pretty much every other pony should get removed. Rainbow Dash would be stereotyping Jocks and Athletes, Apple Jack would be stereotyping Southern Americans, Rarity and Twilight Sparkle would be insulting people with OCD, Fluttershy would be offensive to Shy people and Pinkie Pie would be offensive to people with ADHD.
What is funny is removing Derpy for being "retarded" is twice as offensive than just keeping her as she is, People are forgetting that "Offensive is taken, not given" and as i recall My Little Pony has the name FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC and the point of My Little Pony: Frienship is Magic is about Love and Tolerance as well as equality, hence despite the difference of what the Mane 6 i.e Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy they all have a strong friendship and who knows Derpy Hooves could of had EXACTLY the same with every other pony

Here is a Video that just strengthens my point, Enjoy.

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