Monday, 6 August 2012

Vinyl Scratch look

 So around last month..I have gained the urge to watch the much loved and yet much hated Series called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."
I admit, it's pretty cool, than again this is my opinion, but there was a certain pony that has caught my attention TWICE in the series, which is Vinyl Scratch (AKA DJ PON-3), no one knows what she sounds like but we all know she is a DJ so the thought of dubstep and other various different music.

Through fan-made pictures and fanfics and On-line video, Vinyl is a character i can relate to through her passion for music and probably her fan-made personality.

Anyways, i love Vinyl Scratch, she is my favorite pony, i don't really care what people say about my new look, yes i am male, but still, it will be awesome. Obviously the most hardest part of the whole Vinyl Scratch look is the hair dye, as i need to get the bleaching right and the blue hair right.

At the bottom you will see some All leather converse sneaker i did indeed design them myself and the cost around £67 i am not sure how much that will be in dollars but it will be worth the money i spend and i am looking forward to putting the whole look and clothing and stuff on, if you want to find out more about my new Vinyl Scratch look just ask and i will be sure to make more updates about it and take some pictures of me with the new look!

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